
Friday 11 May 2018



By watching the video I know that Tokelauans face some challenges. First of all they have to make some hard decisions. A small family is having a hard time thinking about if they will let their child/ren take up scholarships overseas and if they are will they go with her/his child/ren. This is not only for this small family but for the others. If I was in this position I would let my child/ren go and I’ll stay back to take care of my parents. They could come and visit in the holidays. That way my child/ren could have a better future.

Another challenge people have to face was to do with their job. A woman migrated back to Tokelau. She returned because she felt the need to give back to her people for what they did to her. When she came back she found it challenging to adapt with to Tokelauan traditions. She also found it hard finding a job as a policewoman because the elders that run the Island think that women have certain jobs. She then got her job as a policewoman.

Another challenge they faced was losing their land. In the video it shows the small Island of Fakaofo in the village of Fale. They talk about how their village is eroding. To prevent that from happening they built a seawall out of rocks to survive. Unfortunately the village had a beach but then lost it due to erosion.

These are the challenges they face from making hard decisions to preventing their village from eroding. If I had to deal with these challenges it wouldn't be easy. I did learn something from watching this video and it was to appreciate what we receive in the present and in the days to come and that we are not the only ones dealing with difficult challenges.

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