
Tuesday 10 November 2015

The mini All Blacks supporters

This story is about how we got our t.shirts to support the All Blacks on black out Friday. All the year 5's and 6's were surprised and happy.

Monday 24 August 2015

A diamante poem

Rebecca 24 August 2015

We have been learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs.  I wrote a poem to describe ...

Friday 14 August 2015

I'm learning equivalent fractions

We have been learning about equivalent fractions. We made fractions from shapes. Photograph it and insert it into our document. I learnrt that 1/2 = 2/3. It was fun making equivalent fractions with shapes.

Friday 22 May 2015

The hurricane


Screenshot 2015-05-13 at 12.33.27 PM.png

As I stumbled through the leafy pathway I saw heaps of bam bom brunches and glass that was sharp as a shark's teeth but lucky I had my shoes and warm jumper on so I ran as fast as I can back home. When I got home my mum, dad and brothers didn't know it was raining hailstones outside until I told them and they said no one go anywhere until the hailstone rain stopped so we weren't allowed to go anywhere we had to stay home and play game on our phone or cook some delicious food and read books but we can't watch t.v because of the signal was lost from the hailstone rain. we were so bored from doing all that so my mum and dad cooked us something to eat because we were all hungry But they said we can't because the power is out our stomachs were rumbling like dogs growling me. We could only drink water and everyone was moaning like cows but not me and my parents we just kept calm until the hailstone smashed through our front window and we all ran like there was a tsunami chasing after us but we only ran to get something cover the window. We all ran like furious cars because the floor was becoming to be flood with hailstones. After that we finally got something to cover the broken window we grabbed a steal pot and it could fit but we had more trouble because we had to take care of the hailstones but we did we put it in a huge rubbish bag and put it in the bathtube in the bathroom we thought it was going to flood our house. When we took care of that we looked outside and we saw heaps of houses broken into places and people tring to found a shelter or something that is strong to cover them from the horrible hailstone rain they were crying because they thought that they were going to die but they didn’t. It was so sad. It went to night and it was still raining hailstones It was a terrible horrible day. I was emotional because heaps of people past away because of the hailstone rain I was also angry really aangry After a while it finally stopped raining hailstones we all were happy we went outside and we saw heaps of abulounce across from our house because heaps of there families past away. After that the ambulance took all the bodies and then my mum made us  rice pudding and then we went to sleep.

Friday 8 May 2015

Adverbs and verbs

Screenshot 2015-05-08 at 11.03.37 AM.png

I understand adverbs because some of the word end with a l and y like for an example the chair rocked slowly. Slowly is an adverb. I understand that a verb is an action word like for example I am sitting on a chair. Sitting is an verb. I understand what a adverb is and what a verb is. The adverb describes the verb and the verb describe the adverb. The worksheet above is an example of adverbs and verbs.

Tuesday 31 March 2015


My Ears

The ear is something you really need so that you can listen to your teachers so that you can learn something. Your ear is so important because you need your ears to learn new things at school or at home or at church.

You can care for your ears by turning down your loud music and by wearing ear muffs when you go to work . There are other ways to protect your ears getting damaged - like not screaming into other peoples ears and by watching your pinna because insects can go into your ear and then it can’t get out.

You need to care for your ears because if it is damaged you will not be having fun listening to music and you will not be learning new stuff because you cannot hear. You will also not hear when people ask if you want lollies or if you want your jumper.

You really have to care about your ears because if it is really damaged then you can't have fun ever in your life because you can't laugh at your friends jokes because you cannot hear her and if a person rings your phone then you can’t hear what that person is saying.

You should always look after your ears or you won’t have any fun in your life and because you need your ears to hear your teachers talk to you when you are in class so that you can learn something and be smart and grow up like a smart person you should look after your ears.

My ear vocabulary

sound waves
outer ear
ear muffs
middle ear
ear plugs
ear wax
inner ear

Facts about ears:

Loud music - turn down your loud music.
Sniffing - don’t sniff , just blow your nose.
Don’t put objects in your ear.
Never put ear buds in your ear.

Friday 20 March 2015

ASB money talk

Rebecca 19315

After morning tea, Tessa, from ASB came to talk to us about being smart with money.

First Tessa introduced herself then she told us what her job was about. Then she told us that there is a matter way to save money. Then she told us to talk to the person next to you about how you can save money. Alisi,Raymond,Richelle,Limi and I were talking and our way of saving money were lemonade stand,cleaning your parents car,doing your chores, taking your neighbours' dog for a walk and mowing the loan if you know how to use one safely. After that she said to put your hands up and tell me away how to earn money. After that Tessa wanted three people to be her volunteers so Tessa picked Gordon,Limi and Mya. They had to hold a flip book. The flip book was about them saving up to buy a new car.

After a while it was her time to go but before she left she gave bands to all of the kids and everyone said thank you. Then, she went everyone was happy she came because they had heaps of fun with her everyone was laughing and smiling. she taught us a chant and it goes like this
When you earn some money what do you do you spend some on you and save some to.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

My nightmare

It was a stormy moonless night when the power went off as we walked home in the rain. When we got home I went to sleep but then I woke up because someone was turning all of the street light off by kicking it. When they were walking slenderman pop out and killed them. They were screaming so slenderman crammed out a knife and stabbed them both. I ran and locked all the doors even the windows and then after that I told my mum but she didn't believe me she said go to sleep then she looked outside and she saw slender man  then she I believe you now because I saw him out side. we told everyone that stayed in our house. We told them that slender man was out side and they were shocked because they thought that he was dead but he isn’t. We all slept in the living room until slender man went away but he didn’t go away he was storking us all until  of us wake up and the first person to wake up was My brother Kaufana and he died first I was peking and I cried. The next person to wake up was my other brother David and he died then after that it was my two sisters Vise and Amelia I saw the way they died and it was the most shocking way they died. After them it was my mum and dad I was mostly sad on that part because I was the only one left and I freaked out really badly but he didn't know that I was awake I ran into my mums room and prayed. I was crying and I freaked out.I went to the living room and I saw my family dead. there was blood all over the carpet. He also ripped out there hearts I was crying and crying. When I went to the living room I saw slenderman and he was sitting on the chair. He stabbed me in the stomach  and then he shot me then I was dead and it went dark.I heard a voice and it was my mums voice she said wake up wake you are late for school so I got changed wash  my face done my lunch the went to school. And I said to my brother I had the scariest nightmare and he said explain it to me so I did I explained all of it to him and he sad that it won't happen for real life and I was happy he said that. Screenshot 2015-03-10 at 12.11.23.png