
Friday 16 March 2018

Learning - Science

For the past few weeks in science we have been learning about the Earth’s layers and volcanoes.

We first learnt about the layers of the Earth. I know that the Earth has four layers they are called the Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core. I also know that the continents were all together but then split and moved away to their present positions because of the plate tectonic. We also learnt about the three boundaries. They are called the convergent boundary, divergent boundary and transform boundary. Convergent boundary is when two plates meet creating mountains and trenches. Divergent boundary is when two plates move away from each other. Transform boundary is when two plates slide past each other creating earthquakes.

Then we learnt about volcanoes. We learnt about the hotspot and where it is located. I know that the hotspot is located on the Pacific plate. Then we learnt about the types of volcanoes. There is a cone volcano, the composite volcano and the shield volcano. I know that when two plates converge it creates a mountain then the magma from the mantle and is stored in the magma chamber. One day the volcano will erupt and the magma that is stored in the magma chamber will then come out.

This is what my class and I learnt together for the past few weeks. We learnt about the Earth’s layers and volcanoes. We did enjoy our time learning about the Earth’s layers and volcanoes. My class and I learnt a lot from our two science teachers(Ms Kuruvilla & Mr Desoysa).

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