
Friday 22 May 2015

The hurricane


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As I stumbled through the leafy pathway I saw heaps of bam bom brunches and glass that was sharp as a shark's teeth but lucky I had my shoes and warm jumper on so I ran as fast as I can back home. When I got home my mum, dad and brothers didn't know it was raining hailstones outside until I told them and they said no one go anywhere until the hailstone rain stopped so we weren't allowed to go anywhere we had to stay home and play game on our phone or cook some delicious food and read books but we can't watch t.v because of the signal was lost from the hailstone rain. we were so bored from doing all that so my mum and dad cooked us something to eat because we were all hungry But they said we can't because the power is out our stomachs were rumbling like dogs growling me. We could only drink water and everyone was moaning like cows but not me and my parents we just kept calm until the hailstone smashed through our front window and we all ran like there was a tsunami chasing after us but we only ran to get something cover the window. We all ran like furious cars because the floor was becoming to be flood with hailstones. After that we finally got something to cover the broken window we grabbed a steal pot and it could fit but we had more trouble because we had to take care of the hailstones but we did we put it in a huge rubbish bag and put it in the bathtube in the bathroom we thought it was going to flood our house. When we took care of that we looked outside and we saw heaps of houses broken into places and people tring to found a shelter or something that is strong to cover them from the horrible hailstone rain they were crying because they thought that they were going to die but they didn’t. It was so sad. It went to night and it was still raining hailstones It was a terrible horrible day. I was emotional because heaps of people past away because of the hailstone rain I was also angry really aangry After a while it finally stopped raining hailstones we all were happy we went outside and we saw heaps of abulounce across from our house because heaps of there families past away. After that the ambulance took all the bodies and then my mum made us  rice pudding and then we went to sleep.


Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca it's me Alisi nice work keep it up and nice job.

Unknown said...

Hey Rebecca
I like you writing. Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca it's me Alisi nice work keep it up and nice job.

Unknown said...

bec nice work on hurricane

sarah Glen Innes School said...

Hi Rebecca.
I really liked your writing, I also thought that the way you started off you first sentence was marvelous. However I would like to tell you that the similes you used were really creative.

sarah Glen Innes School said...

Hi Rebecca.
I really liked your writing, I also thought that the way you started off you first sentence was marvelous. However I would like to tell you that the similes you used were really creative.

Fui said...

Hi Rebecca I liked how you wrote you're interesting story keep it up

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